Dating in the United States and the United Kingdom can be very different experiences. While there are some similarities in the way that people date in these two countries, there are also many cultural, social, and practical differences that can affect the dating scene.
Continue reading Dating in the United States vs United KingdomTag: dating
Find out more about free dating. How it works an how to make the most of it. Read more about dating under this online dating blog tag.
Looking for Love: The Perfect Matchmaker
We all know that the last few years have been, and if you’re anything like us, you can’t wait for the opportunity to get out and about and date again and for your life to move on. Whether your experience of lockdown has had you stuck with family or flatmates and they’re driving you crazy, or whether you’ve been struggling on by yourself and can’t stop seeing photos of happy couples across your feed, being able to date real people again is back on the table, which means you might want to check out the best free dating website!
Continue reading Looking for Love: The Perfect MatchmakerFree Dating Site & How to Date During Pandemic?
Most singles find dating hard even in normal circumstances. The pandemic has made the entire process of dating difficult. A free dating site is where you will be able to find meaningful and deep companionship during these challenging times.
Even though the pandemic has changed the face of dating, you don’t have to put your relationships on hold. You can search for your ideal partner using an online dating site.
Continue reading Free Dating Site & How to Date During Pandemic?New to online dating? Here is everything you need to know
We live in a much more digital age, which means that we have learnt how to do a variety of things online rather than in person. We shop online, we work online and we catch up with family and friends online. Read on to find out what you need to know about online dating.
Continue reading New to online dating? Here is everything you need to knowHow To Increase The Romance In Your Relationship
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship with someone; keeping the romance alive is crucial. From time to time there will be a lull where the romance is concerned. Thankfully, there are things you can do to breathe fresh life into a relationship, reigniting the spark of passion that may have begun to burn out.
Continue reading How To Increase The Romance In Your RelationshipWhy Online Dating Can Work For You
Online dating has been around for years, and you could say it’s become more popular than dating offline. While some people may give you a funny look if you tell them you’re looking for love in the online world, but rest assured, there are a plethora of advantages. And it can work for you regardless of your circumstances.
Continue reading Why Online Dating Can Work For YouAbuse reporting feature on our free online dating website
The long awaited abuse reporting feature has been released. It already proved itself successful.
On, our free online dating website can now easily report users who do not follow the site rules.
Continue reading Abuse reporting feature on our free online dating websiteOnline Dating Done Right
When it comes to online dating it can be an absolute minefield. There are plenty of good people out there looking for love, but they can be hard to find. There are several simple things that you can do though that will improve your chances of finding Mr or Mrs Right online. Let us guide you through it.
Continue reading Online Dating Done RightLucky In Love – How To Find Your Soulmate
Love is easy. It’s all consuming, incredible to be wrapped up in, and pretty easy when it’s right. However, finding it? That’s sometimes a little more tricky. In the minefield of dating, coming across your soulmate can sometimes seem like an impossible task. However, there’s a few things that you can do to make sure that you come across your ideal partner sooner rather than later, and we’re going to be looking at them here. Let’s find your soulmate.
Continue reading Lucky In Love – How To Find Your SoulmateWe let in only genuine dating users
At, we believe that a quality online dating experience matters. One of the most challenging parts in achieving this is making sure that users signing up to our online dating service are genuine.
For this reason, we run specialised software that takes care of just that. It detects users that do not seem to be genuine. Then it blocks them from registering and logging in. Even if such user “slips in”, we detect and see their unwanted activities. These users are then suspended by our cutting edge machine learning software, or manually by our administrators.
By looking at the statistics from the last 3 months, only 5% of all users were considered acceptable. Some 31% flagged as were risky and 64% were rejected by our safeguard software features.

We are also, as a software company, currently developing a series of sophisticated APIs. These will make the process of vetting even faster, easier and more accurate in the future. This is our ultimate goal and one of the key properties we use to measure our success with this project.