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Signing up to our 100% free dating site

Meet thousands of local singles completely free of charge. We don't charge anything to join and to use our free dating site. Some other free dating sites that claim to be free but once you join you will find out it may be free to join but not so much to use. But we at offer totally and completely free dating. No hidden fees, no payments, no credit card needed!

Dating features, safety and security

You get free access to other singles in your area or elsewhere. Dating features include live messages, likes and friendship. You can search users by location, gender, sexuality, age, and sort results by these and other attributes too. You can also block users you don't like or report them to us via a simple form if they are bothering you. All these features are absolutely free because we are a truly free online dating.

About is one of the best 100 percent free dating sites. Transparency, honesty, user safety and genuity is our priority so you can find singles in your area safely and with confidence.

Online dating is more popular than ever and this trend is on the increase steadily. It is a simplest way to find singles online completely free of charge. That is, of course, the case of completely free dating sites like

We hope you will enjoy finding free dates in your area or another location such as: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all countries of the European Union. We will be expanding our free dating service to other countries soon.

Free dating site blog

Dating in the United States and the United Kingdom can be very different experiences. While there are some similarities in the way that people date in these two countries, there are also many cultural, social, and practical differences that can affect the dating scene.
With the latest release from 11 November 2021, we are introducing the ability to sign in with Google. Users are now able to register or log in with their Google account. We’ve also removed the Facebook authentication button.
Whether you’re excited to be among people again, or a bit more apprehensive about jumping back into in-person socials, we’ve got you sorted with the perfect way to meet other singles nearby.
We have added Australia and New Zealand to the list of supported countries on our free dating website
We live in a much more digital age, which means that we have learnt how to do a variety of things online rather than in person. We shop online, we work online and we catch up with family and friends online.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in a relationship with someone; keeping the romance alive is crucial. From time to time there will be a lull where the romance is concerned, but thankfully there are things you can do to breathe fresh life into a relationship, reigniting the spark of passion that may have begun to burn out.
Online dating has been around for years. There is many benefits in online dating and it is convenient. It can work for you too!
As of 1 April 2020, we are rolling out new restrictions on who can create a new account on our online dating website
The long awaited abuse reporting feature has finally been released and it already proved itself successful. Users of the dating website now can easily report other users that do not follow the website rules.
We have experienced remarkable increase in number of user registrations this summer (2019). We believe that this happened due to the summer update to Google Search algorithm.
When it comes to online dating it can be an absolute minefield. There are plenty of good people out there looking for love, but they can be hard to find. There are several simple things that you can do though that will improve your chances of finding Mr or Mrs Right online. Let us guide you through it.
There’s now 5,000 verified users on from all over the world.
Our online dating website keeps gaining in popularity as we are now welcoming over 100 new users every day.
Love is easy. It’s all consuming, incredible to be wrapped up in, and pretty easy when it’s right. However, finding it? That’s sometimes a little more tricky. In the minefield of dating, coming across your soulmate can sometimes seem like an impossible task. However, there’s a few things that you can do to make sure that you come across your ideal partner sooner rather than later, and we’re going to be looking at them here.
At we believe that quality online dating experience matters. One of the most challenging parts of achieving this is making sure that users signing up to our online dating service are genuine.
The dating scene has certainly changed over the past few decades. People no longer date in the traditional sense of meeting out in public. With so many people leading busy lives the world of online dating has opened up tremendously. Even still, online dating maintains many stereotypes and myths that are just untrue. It is likely that you have heard at least some of these myths. It is time to put them to rest, finally.
When you discover a great match on dating website,, the joy comes from exchanging and receiving messages. Finding out more about your new crush can be exciting, and once you have formed a connection and you’re sure the feeling is mutual, it’s time to meet. But what is the dating etiquette for waiting until you meet in person?
The preparations we make when it comes to Valentine’s Day can depend on many different factors. These can include how long we’ve been with our partner, as well as our personalities. As such, there can be a few considerations to make when it comes to Valentine’s Day.
For many, the sun in the sky is the best recipe for a successful date, and in many regards this is true. However, the winter period can also have vital moments when cupid’s arrow is fired, whether we’re fully conscious of it or not, but what makes winter such a popular time for dates? Here, we take a look at some of the things you can do, and the benefits they are able to offer during the colder months.
Christmas and New Year truly are magical times and there are many reasons why, but what you might not know or instantly think about is what a romantic time these days are. According to research for a number of sources and dating websites, the week between Christmas and New Year is the time when online dating sites see their biggest number of new members joining them.
Do you remember the time when the mere term ‘online dating’ would either raise a chuckle or a look of disgust? There were many who were keen to ridicule the prospect of meeting someone online, but for the most part, online dating has become embedded into our everyday culture, the same way online shopping and social networking have. But what is it that makes the online world a compatible arena for potential lovebirds?
We’ve all been in a relationship that seems to lack a certain spark. It’s not necessarily us, it’s not even the other person, there are just times when a spark doesn’t ignite, so both parties have to continue their search for their soulmate, but do we even know what we’re looking for?
The partnering of two people can be a truly wonderful thing, but for this to work, two people have to be compatible. The art of dating allows us to get to know our prospective partners, and ascertain as to whether this is the person for us or not...
So you’ve been chatting to a special person on a free dating community like and you’re now ready for the next step. To help you make the jump from the dating website to the bar or restaurant, we’ve put together a list of five free tips for a successful first date.
It’s no secret that online dating websites have become much more popular in recent years. The speed and convenience of a dating community has made it much easier to meet other singles – especially for people who work long hours or don’t have much spare time.
So you found a nice dating profile on dating website and you thing she or he is a good match. But you’re also aware of the fact that you need to be safe – whether online or, later, in person – aren’t you? Here are a few online dating dos and don’ts that will keep you safe.